RBOB Cracks
The RBOB to Brent Crack: near term bear vs bull case Thursday 27 June 2024
The RBOB minus Brent Crack — downside update Tuesday 04 June 2024
RBOB minus Brent Crack — Q2 to Q4 Seasonal Outlook Monday 13 May 2024
RBOB to Brent Crack — pivotal support zone Friday 03 May 2024
The RBOB minus Brent Crack — Seasonal Peaking Risk Wednesday 17 April 2024
1, RBOB minus ULSD, 2. RBOB minus Brent, 3. ULSD minus Brent — 3 Chart Updates, 1 Message Friday 22 March 2024
RBOB minus Brent Crack — seasonal upside update Wednesday 24 January 2024
RBOB minus Brent Crack — seasonal cycle upside Thursday 21 December 2023
RBOB minus Brent Crack — seasonal uposide targets Monday 04 December 2023
The 5 – 3 – 2 Crack for Brent — the key pivots from here Wednesday 08 November 2023
The RBOB to Brent Crack — downside update Tuesday 17 October 2023
RBOB to Brent Crack – downside update Monday 25 September 2023
The RBOB to Brent Crack — the no recession support candidates Friday 08 September 2023
the 5 – 3 – 2 Crack to Brent — key Elliott Wave pivots from here Friday 12 May 2023
RBOB to Brent Crack — seasonal cycle considerations Thursday 11 May 2023
RBOB minus Brent Crack — updating the key pivots Wednesday 05 April 2023
The ULSD to Brent Crack and the RBOB to Brent Crack — are two trend reversals on tap? Saturday 04 March 2023
RBOB to Brent Crack — 02 Feb 2023 Friday 03 February 2023
RBOB minus Brent Crack — the upside potential Monday 09 January 2023
RBOB minus Brent Crack — the downside risk Tuesday 06 December 2022
the RBOB minus Brent Crack — relevant history and an outlook Tuesday 15 November 2022
the RBOB to Brent Crack — downside update Wednesday 19 October 2022
The RBOB minus Brent Crack — the search for support Thursday 04 August 2022
The 2nd mo RBOB minus 1st mo Brent Crack — candidates for support Tuesday 19 July 2022
The RBOB & ULSD Cracks – Another Dip To Buy ?? Friday 01 July 2022
The RBOB Cracks – An Update Monday 06 June 2022
The RBOB Cracks – Buy The Dip ?? Sunday 22 May 2022
The 5 – 3 – 2 Brent Crack — the bear case for a historic peak Tuesday 05 April 2022
The RBOB minus Brent Crack — peaking risk and recession risk Monday 14 March 2022
The RBOB to Brent Crack — a large incongruity Thursday 10 February 2022
The RBOB minus Brent Crack — looks like a bear market correction Wednesday 08 December 2021
RBOB to Brent Crack — bull case update Tuesday 26 October 2021
the RBOB to Brent Crack — the extremely rare history of hurricane rescues Wednesday 01 September 2021
the RBOB to Brent Cracks — revisiting key support for the bull case Thursday 26 August 2021
The 5 – 3 – 2 Brent Crack — the bull case is not that bullish Tuesday 17 August 2021
RBOB to Brent Crack — updating the seasonal bear case and the hurricane bull case Monday 09 August 2021
The RBOB Crack — upside break out or major peak? Monday 17 May 2021
COTD – WTI RBOB Crack & RBOB-ULSD Spread – Key Resistance & Upside Risk Wednesday 28 April 2021
The 5 – 3- 2 Brent Crack — the bear case versus the hurricane case Thursday 22 April 2021
The RBOB to Brent Crack – a very interesting market Monday 12 April 2021
RBOB to Brent Crack Update – upside potential versus downside risk Wednesday 17 March 2021
RBOB to Brent Crack Update Tuesday 02 March 2021
Transient Glitches in Over-Supplied Markets — crude oil and refined products Monday 01 March 2021
The RBOB to Brent Crack – unexpected help for the bull case Saturday 20 February 2021
The RBOB to Brent Crack – how much upside remains? Wednesday 03 February 2021
The Brent 5 – 3 – 2 Crack: further congestion indicated Wednesday 09 December 2020
The RBOB to Brent Crack – still waiting quietly Wednesday 11 November 2020
The 5-3-2 Crack to Brent – I’ve fallen and can’t get up Wednesday 04 November 2020
RBOB and RBOB Spreads Upside Update Monday 24 August 2020
RBOB to WTI Crack – a good time to avoid the short side Wednesday 19 August 2020