Time Cycles and Seasonal Cycles
WTI — the upside for an average summer to fall rally Tuesday 09 July 2024
Seasonal Cycle Outlook for Brent Crude — a technical case for $104 Monday 08 July 2024
ICE GasOil — target for an average summer to fall rally Friday 05 July 2024
RBOB – summer to fall rallies and the key technical pivots Tuesday 02 July 2024
ULSD — seasonal cycle bottoming signals Sunday 30 June 2024
The RBOB minus ULSD Spread — seasonal cycle considerations Wednesday 12 June 2024
RBOB: the spring to winter decline, history and implications Sunday 09 June 2024
Petro Complex — average spring to summer declines Thursday 30 May 2024
The Case for an 18 Year Real Estate Cycle High — update from the 18 Oct 2023 report Saturday 06 April 2024
Slide Set for the Special Webcast — The Outlook for Natgas and Related Markets — 21 Mar 2024 Thursday 21 March 2024
HH Natural Gas Seasonal Cycle Chartbook Thursday 29 February 2024
30 Year Commodity Cycle, HH Natgas, Bloomberg Commodity Index, Inflation… connecting some dotss Tuesday 20 February 2024
Petro Complex Q4 to Q2 Rallies — seasonal cycle averages updates Thursday 04 January 2024
The Crude Oil Seasonal Cycle – By The Numbers Thursday 04 January 2024
The Gasoline Seasonal Cycle – By The Numbers Tuesday 19 December 2023
Petro Complex Seasonal Cycle Update — the bull case is that the cycle lows are in Thursday 14 December 2023
HH Natgas Price — All Years Average Winter Decline versus Average El Nino Winter Decline Tuesday 12 December 2023
Brent Crude — winter to spring 10 year rally averages Friday 08 December 2023
The Case for 2023 as an 18 Year Real Estate Cycle High Thursday 19 October 2023
Evidence for a 22 Year Conflict Cycle Tuesday 17 October 2023
The 20 Year Stock Market Cycle IS the 20 Year War Cycle Monday 16 October 2023
Energy Futures — Q4 Seasonal Price Cycles Refresh Wednesday 20 September 2023
the RBOB minus ULSD Spread — seasonal cycle considerations Thursday 11 May 2023
RBOB to Brent Crack — seasonal cycle considerations Thursday 11 May 2023
ULSD to Brenck Crack – seasonal cycle relevance Wednesday 10 May 2023
HH NatGas Seasonal Chartbook Friday 10 February 2023
RBOB minus ULSD – seasonal peaking window Thursday 14 July 2022
Energy Seasonality – Considerations for 2022 Thursday 06 January 2022
Seasonal Affective Disorder ( SAD ) and the Markets Sunday 20 June 2021
Unprecedented 2021: the year of the shortage freak out Sunday 06 June 2021
RBOB – Varieties of Seasonal Peaking Experiences Friday 16 April 2021
The Natural Gas Seasonal Cycle – By The Numbers Wednesday 13 January 2021
The Stock Market: the case for a 20 year cycle high in 2021 Saturday 05 December 2020
The Crude Oil Seasonal Cycle – By The Numbers Thursday 03 December 2020
The ULSD Seasonal Cycle – By The Numbers Thursday 03 December 2020
The Gasoline Seasonal Cycle – By The Numbers Thursday 03 December 2020
Seasonal Considerations For The Petro Complex Thursday 03 December 2020
Petro Complex Update: seasonal downside in a pandemic Thursday 11 June 2020
RBOB minus ULSD – average seasonal cycle update Thursday 07 May 2020
Petroleum Complex: four interlocking cycles Monday 10 February 2020
Natural Gas Seasonality – By the Numbers Tuesday 30 July 2019
Crude Oil Seasonality – By The Numbers Monday 29 July 2019
ULSD Seasonality – By The Numbers Thursday 18 July 2019
Gasoline Seaonality – By The Numbers Thursday 11 July 2019
COTD for Mon 24 Dec – RBOB Winter to Spring Rally Update Friday 21 December 2018
Natural Gas – Revisiting Seasonality Wednesday 05 September 2018
COTD for Tue 31 July – Can 2018 give a summer to fall rally? Tuesday 31 July 2018
RBOB minus ULSD Seasonal Cycle Update Tuesday 21 November 2017
RBOB minus ULSD Seasonal Cycle Update Wednesday 16 August 2017
WTI Seasonal Cycle Update Monday 15 May 2017