The RBOB minus ULSD Spread — seasonal cycle considerations Wednesday 12 June 2024
RBOB minus ULSD Spread – seasonal cycle history, and relevance Monday 03 June 2024
RBOB minus ULSD Spread — downside update Wednesday 15 May 2024
the RBOB minus ULSD Spread — Upside Update Thursday 11 April 2024
1, RBOB minus ULSD, 2. RBOB minus Brent, 3. ULSD minus Brent — 3 Chart Updates, 1 Message Friday 22 March 2024
The RBOB minus ULSD Spread — updating the May2024 contract upside Thursday 29 February 2024
The RBOB minus ULSD spread: bottoming action in the May 2024 spread Wednesday 01 November 2023
RBOB minus ULSD — downside update Saturday 14 October 2023
COTD – Double Feature – Z3/Z4 RBOB & the RBOB-ULSD Spread Wednesday 13 September 2023
RBOB minus ULSD spread — downside update Monday 28 August 2023
RBOB minus ULSD — seasonal downside update Monday 07 August 2023
RBOB minus ULSD Spread — a seriously precise seasonal peak, in price and time Wednesday 21 June 2023
Spot RBOB minus ULSD – just hit my head and shoulders bottom target from 10 Jan 2023 Thursday 25 May 2023
the RBOB minus ULSD Spread — seasonal cycle considerations Thursday 11 May 2023
RBOB minus ULSD — seasonal peaking risk update Monday 24 April 2023
The RBOB minus ULSD Spread — seasonal peak candidates Tuesday 11 April 2023
RBOB minus ULSD — the peaking risk Tuesday 14 March 2023
RBOB minus ULSD — pivotal near term resistance Thursday 02 March 2023
RBOB and RBOB minus ULSD — upside updates Saturday 11 February 2023
RBOB minus ULSD — upside update Wednesday 01 February 2023
RBOB minus ULSD — a quick follow up Wednesday 11 January 2023
The RBOB minus ULSD spread and the seasonal upside risk Tuesday 10 January 2023
RBOB minus ULSD — and a cold North-East winter Tuesday 27 December 2022
The RBOB minus ULSD Spread — big problems for the bulls Wednesday 14 December 2022
RBOB minus ULSD, with spot RBOB and ULSD — the key pivots from here Thursday 03 November 2022
RBOB minus ULSD — about to bottom out? Friday 28 October 2022
the RBOB minus ULSD spread — bottoming action ?? Thursday 20 October 2022
RBOB minus ULSD — the case for further losses Thursday 13 October 2022
The Bull Case for ULSD – viewed three ways – an early warning report Monday 19 September 2022
RBOB minus ULSD — the key pivots from here Monday 12 September 2022
RBOB minus ULSD — a quick breakdown update Wednesday 17 August 2022
RBOB minus ULSD — bear case downside risk Friday 12 August 2022
RBOB minus ULSD — the message of this rare congestion Thursday 21 July 2022
RBOB minus ULSD downside update — a typically relentless decline Wednesday 15 June 2022
RBOB minus ULSD — seasonal peak likely in place Tuesday 07 June 2022
ULSD Price Charts — designed to spur EV truck buying? Friday 22 April 2022
RBOB minus ULSD — searching for support Monday 18 April 2022
RBOB minus ULSD — tracking triangles and ratio retracements Monday 04 April 2022
RBOB minus ULSD – 3 candidates for support from here Monday 21 March 2022
The RBOB minus ULSD Spread — How cheap is too cheap? Tuesday 08 March 2022
RBOB minus ULSD — an untradeable bottom? Tuesday 15 February 2022
The RBOB minus ULSD Spread — nothing for the bulls yet Monday 24 January 2022
RBOB minus ULSD — nothing for the bulls yet Wednesday 10 November 2021
RBOB minus ULSD Spread — downside update Tuesday 12 October 2021
RBOB minus ULSD — getting crushed, seasonally Thursday 16 September 2021
RBOB minus ULSD — updating the upside risk Wednesday 25 August 2021
COTD – The RBOB-ULSD Spread – Overshoot? …Or Shooting For The Moon? Friday 06 August 2021
RBOB minus ULSD — updating the downside risk Wednesday 21 July 2021
Double Feature — An RBOB minus ULSD Update, and an Asian LNG Update Friday 14 May 2021
RBOB minus ULSD — looking very toppy Friday 07 May 2021