Financial Indices
Nasdaq Composite Index — the downside risks Friday 26 July 2024
The Nasdaq Composite and S&P 500 – Bull Case Support Wednesday 24 July 2024
Dow 30 — Elliott Wave Refresh, bull vs. bear case Thursday 27 June 2024
Energy Futures and the Outlook for the Bloomberg Commodity Index Monday 17 June 2024
Bloomberg Commodity Index — big picture refresh and bull case support update Wednesday 05 June 2024
Bloomberg Commodity Index — updating a very bullish technical case Monday 20 May 2024
LME Copper and the Shanghai Composite Thursday 25 April 2024
The Dow 30 — Is 37,000.00 a trampoline or a trap door? Tuesday 16 April 2024
The Case for an 18 Year Real Estate Cycle High — update from the 18 Oct 2023 report Saturday 06 April 2024
Dow 30 — bear case downside risk refresh Thursday 04 April 2024
The S&P Goldman Sachs Commodity Index — outlining the bull case Monday 18 March 2024
The Bloomberg Commodity Index — updating a very bullish technical case Saturday 16 March 2024
Dow 30 and S&P 500 — key pivots refreshed and updated Monday 11 March 2024
The Equity Markets: from ‘Magnificent 7’ to only 2 Wednesday 06 March 2024
SPX and DAX — an intermediate term of very high price risk is dead ahead Tuesday 20 February 2024
30 Year Commodity Cycle, HH Natgas, Bloomberg Commodity Index, Inflation… connecting some dotss Tuesday 20 February 2024
the S&P 500 Index and Spot RBOB — Q4 to Q2 rallies, ten year history Wednesday 14 February 2024
Dow 30, SPX, and Nasdaq Comp — peaking risk and key support Tuesday 13 February 2024
Nasdaq Composite — bull case upside Monday 12 February 2024
Nikkei 225 Index — a double top versus the bull case Friday 02 February 2024
The Nifty Fifty Index — pivotal resistance Thursday 01 February 2024
S&P 500 Index — knocking on the door of pivotal resistance Monday 29 January 2024
Bitcoin — bear case downside update Monday 15 January 2024
S&P 500 Index — the bull case upside Wednesday 27 December 2023
Nasdaq Bank Index Update – this canary had a near death experience Tuesday 19 December 2023
Bloomberg Commodity Index — a follow up to my 12 Dec 2023 report Tuesday 19 December 2023
the DAX — slightly higher or much higher? Wednesday 13 December 2023
the S&P 500 Index minus the Shanghai Index — upside targets and implications Tuesday 12 December 2023
Bloomberg Commodity Index — downside update Tuesday 12 December 2023
Bloomberg Commodity Index — downside update Tuesday 05 December 2023
The Dow 30 — the remaining hurdles for the bull case Thursday 30 November 2023
Baltic Dry Index — bull case update Monday 27 November 2023
Dow 30 and S&P 500 — now testing pivotal bear case resistance Wednesday 15 November 2023
Dow 30 — Elliott Wave Update Friday 10 November 2023
Bulletin: S&P 500 Index, Dow 30, Nadaq Composite – key resistance, bear case vs bull case Friday 03 November 2023
The Baltic Dry Index: bull versus bear case support Tuesday 31 October 2023
Nasdaq Composite — severe, near term downside risk Thursday 26 October 2023
S&P 500 Index — sitting on a trap door — severe, near term downside risk Wednesday 25 October 2023
The Nasdaq Bank Index – a convergence of downside targets Tuesday 24 October 2023
the Shanghai and the Hang Seng — two indices under serious pressure Monday 23 October 2023
The Case for 2023 as an 18 Year Real Estate Cycle High Thursday 19 October 2023
Evidence for a 22 Year Conflict Cycle Tuesday 17 October 2023
The 20 Year Stock Market Cycle IS the 20 Year War Cycle Monday 16 October 2023
Actual vs Reported Inflation, and the law of unintended consequences Thursday 12 October 2023
The S&P 500 Index — Held bull case support. Where is bear case resistance? Tuesday 10 October 2023
The Dow 30 and the rise and fall or the ‘soft landing’ meme Tuesday 26 September 2023
S&P 500 Index — it is rally or else time for the bull case Monday 25 September 2023
The Nasdaq Bank Index — an acceleration lower may be imminent Monday 11 September 2023
Bloomberg Commodity Index — a down trend channel? Tuesday 22 August 2023
The FTSE 100 Index — downside update Tuesday 22 August 2023